Joel himself struggled with target panic as a hunter for decades...
During his 19 year career as a SWAT Sniper his problem only grew worse...
He knew if he couldn’t perform in the woods...
Then there was no way he would be able to control the shot when the stakes were even higher in a SWAT situation...
He began to search for a solution but everything they taught him in the academy and every traditional method he tried didn’t even touch his problem...
After years of hunting seasons with missed shots at animals and off season filled with regret of what he could have done different he began to build up more and more anger with his shot process...
Eventually, he made a decision.
A decision that would lead him to understand target panic and know how every shot for the rest of his life would go...
He set out to blueprint what he had done in the shots that had gone well...and compare that to the shots that were fired without control. There is a major difference!!
He began to develop a system that was working well for himself, and during the same time he was the lead firearms instructor for the police academy...